

Cold Medicine vs. Bipolar Drug Interaction

Over-the-counter cold medications are a common purchase throughout the year when your stuffy nose, post-nasal drip or scratchy throat affect not only sleeping, but the ability to work and interact with others. Since they are over-the-counter, many do not give any consideration to a possible drug interaction with prescription medications, nor do they ask their pharmacist or doctor about any possible drug interactions.

Drug Interactions a Common Concern

Drug interactions happen all the time. For those diagnosed with bipolar disorder, taking over-the-counter medications can become complicated and require a psychiatrist or experienced mental health professional to manage possible drug reactions. Those with bipolar disorder often are prescribed more than one medication to treat the disorder – multiple medications increase the chance of drug interactions, even with something as common as an over-the-counter cold medication.

Interactions: Over-the-Counter Meds with Rx Drugs

Doctors check for potential bipolar medication interactions between with other prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, certain foods, vitamins or herbal supplements. If there is a drug interaction warning, your doctor will make the decision as to whether or not the medicine is safe for you to take.

Drug Interactions with Bipolar Medication

Some types of over-the-counter drugs that interact with bipolar disorder medications are:

  • Cold or flu medications containing antihistamines, decongestants and expectorants
  • Sleep aids
  • Diuretics
  • Antacids
  • NSAID pain relievers like Advil, Motrin or Aleve

drug interaction can also occur between multiple prescription meds used to treat bipolar disorder. Working with a specialized bipolar psychiatrist is important to achieve the optimal medication dosages even when you are ill.

Medication Interaction Psychiatrist

Drug interaction psychiatrist Dr. Hege can review your list of prescriptions and recommend safe treatments for your cold or flu. Stopping your prescribed medications can induce withdrawal effect that end up making your common cold much worse. Call the office for an appointment that fits your schedule.

About Darvin Hege

Dr. Darvin Hege, MD, PC, is based in Atlanta, Georgia, and certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and the American Society of Addiction Medicine. He is an Emory Hospital residency trained psychiatrist who has been practicing psychiatry for more than 25 years. He maintains over 50 hours of AMA certified education each year to stay informed of advances in psychiatry.

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