

Bipolar Disorder Needs Close Monitoring of Medications for Success

The National Institute of Mental Health reports bipolar disorder, also commonly known as manic depression, is a serious mental health issue affecting approximately 5.7 million adults in America — with 89% of those diagnosed as severe.

Bipolar Disorder’s Four Types of Mood Swings

A comprehensive diagnosis of bipolar disorder involves more than the assessment of mood shifts and behaviors. A qualified expert in psychiatry looks beyond clinical observation, interview and professional evaluation. The four types of mood episodes are mania, hypomania, depression and mixed state; an experienced bipolar disorder psychiatrist will pinpoint the type of bipolar disorder cycle and degree of intensity that is causing the most life disruptions.

Bipolar Disorder Cycles Have Unique Symptoms

Each type of bipolar disorder mood shift presents with their own unique set of symptoms. An experienced bipolar disorder psychiatrist works with you to develop a treatment plan that works around you own unique mood shift cycles. While some cycles last for days, other cycles may last for months at a time. Each episode can intensify to where it interferes with the ability to function at home, work and in the community.

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms by Mood Disorder Type

The signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder vary from one person to the next along with cycle length and intensity.

  • Mania Phase: Symptoms include euphoria, heightened energy and well-being, creativity, sleeplessness, hyperactivity, grandiose ideas and beliefs. The mania cycle may lead to feelings of anger, irritability, aggressive or reckless behaviors, sexual promiscuity, wild gambling, instigating fights, or making foolish choices in life.
  • Hypomanic Episode: The bipolar disorder symptoms displayed here are typically a less severe form of mania. You feel good and accomplish many tasks, yet your family and friends still recognize definite mood swings. Without proper psychiatric evaluation and treatment, hypomania can progress into severe mania or depression.
  • Bipolar Depression: Antidepressants do not help bipolar depression and typically make it worse. Antidepressants can trigger rapid cycling between mood states, interfere with other medications, push you into a psychotic depression, or an intense manic state. Assessment by an expert in bipolar disorder psychiatry like Dr. Darvin Hege will ensure you receive the right diagnosis followed by the most therapeutic medication regime.
  • Mixed State: This type of bipolar disorder gives feelings of both mania and depression at the same time. In this equally tormented state are feelings of agitation, sadness, hopelessness and suicidal thoughts, while feeling highly energized at the same time. Hallucinations and delusions can also occur. A missed or incorrect diagnosis could label you with schizophrenia instead of having bipolar disorder.

Atlanta Bipolar Disorder Psychiatrist

Bipolar disorder is a complex chronic life-long condition that requires long-term treatment and development of a successful medication regime to prevent new episodes or reduce interfering symptoms. Stop the suffering and anguish – effective treatment exists.

Diagnosis of Atlanta bipolar disorder is often difficult and requires the skill of a seasoned expert such as Dr. Darvin Hege. Call the office to get the right help you need.

About Darvin Hege

Dr. Darvin Hege has 25 years of experience dealing with adult patients who have adhd, bipolar disorders, drug addictions, panic attacks, depression, stress, and other mental health disorders. He offers evening and weekend office hours at his Atlanta, GA practice. Call today at 770 458-0007 for an evaluation for relief of your psychiatric disorders and for help deciding the most effective and safest treatment.

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