Bipolar Depression Tough to Diagnose
Bipolar depression is often difficult to diagnose with some cases taking up to a decade of frustration before an accurate diagnosis is made. Without the correct diagnosis effective treatment cannot be accomplished. Research studies suggest that up to 50% of those with bipolar disorder are misdiagnosed with unipolar instead of bipolar depression.
Bipolar Depression is Different Kind of Depression
Bipolar depression is the depressive phase of a mental health disorder called bipolar disorder, referring to the lows or depressive phase of the disorder. Bipolar disorder is a chronic illness where extreme mood swings occur from mania, or “highs,” to depression, or “lows.” The treatment options are different for the different types of depression, with proper diagnosis a critical component for successful management.
Bipolar Depression Disrupting Phase
The depressive phase of bipolar disorder is often more debilitating and disruptive than the mania phase as it typically lasts longer and occurs more frequently. In a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, those with Bipolar I report depression 3 times as often as mania, and for those diagnosed with Bipolar II, the low phase occurs 40 times as often.
Depression Episodes Dominate Function
While many may feel the general instability of the disorder has the greatest impact on daily functioning, it is the depressive episodes that often disrupt one’s life. Depression dominates the functional ability to work, actively participate in family and social groups, and it contributes to a significant decrease in motivation, desire, self-worth, and self-esteem.
Symptoms of Bipolar Depression
You may experience some or all of the following symptoms. A comprehensive psychiatric evaluation is in order if you have any of the following symptoms and are having difficulty with daily functioning.
- Feeling sad, worried, or empty inside
- Having little to no energy as a common occurrence
- Feeling like you do not enjoy anything
- Sleeping too much or too little
- Eating too much or too little
- Difficulty with memory, focus, attention
- Wanting to stay in bed
- Difficulty with making decisions
- Thoughts of suicide or death
- Be full of energy but feel very sad
- Feel “down” for at least 2 weeks at a time
Bipolar Depression Evaluation and Treatment
Stop the daily struggle and frustration. Correct treatment depends on an accurate diagnosis. Call Dr. Hege, Atlanta’s bipolar depression psychiatrist who has the experience and expertise you need for treatment.