Avoiding ADHD Diagnosis Affects Life Satisfaction
People may avoid going to the doctor when they fear what the medical test results may reveal. Other times they may avoid seeking treatment for troubling conditions or concerns that they are experiencing. When an issue or problem is suspected, seeking help or treatment is often delayed and sometimes never sought. With adults, avoiding ADHD diagnosis and treatment, even when they feel they may have ADHD, is a common occurrence.
Avoiding ADHD Diagnosis Impacts Whole Life
For those who think they have “a little” ADHD, or feel they have ADHD that is “not too bad,” it is difficult to understand and see the full extent of how their symptoms are impacting their lives and the lives of those around them. While recognizing they may have a “little issue,” they may not realize how diagnosis and treatment for adult ADHD can potentially be life-changing, life-improving and allow greater life satisfaction.
Reasons for Avoiding ADHD Diagnosis
There can be any multitude of reasons for avoiding ADHD diagnosis and treatment, however some of the more common explanations include:
- Belief that treatment will not improve your life very much
- Thinking that symptoms are not that bad or if they tried harder their symptoms would go away
- Feelings that their symptoms are normal as they are used to living with their symptoms
- Previous bad experience with mental health professionals – either through personal opinions or through listening to others giving their own opinions
- Thoughts of appearing weak or crazy for seeking mental health treatment
- Telling yourself, “I’ll get to it later,” but that time never comes around
- Feeling that the only treatment option is long-term medication and want to try managing the ADHD on their own
- Other personal, family, or cultural reasons that interfere with decision to work toward positive changes through diagnosis and treatment
Avoiding ADHD Diagnosis Keeps Problems in Place
While there can be many reasons to delay or avoid mental health evaluation for possible adult ADHD diagnosis, it is important to remember that the problem will not go away on its own. The benefits gained from accurate diagnosis and treatment may continue to be missed, and the life struggles currently impacting on you and your loved ones will continue to interrupt and challenge on a day-to-day or week-to-week basis.
Adult ADHD Psychiatrist in Atlanta
Gaining insight into an accurate diagnosis along with seeing what your life could be like without the interference of ADHD symptoms will allow you to make an informed decision as what is right for you and your life. Call Dr. Hege for a complete comprehensive evaluation and discussion of a treatment plan individualized to meet your needs and lifestyle.