Addiction Relapse Rates 60%: Treatment Vital
In a recent study on addiction relapse by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, it was found that illicit drug use is now at its highest level in the U.S. One reason for the escalating rate of drug abuse are those with a prior drug addiction who now present with an addiction relapse. The National Institute on Drug Abuse makes note there is a 40% to 60% addiction relapse rate.
Statistics of Addiction Relapse
Addiction affects everyone, from family and friends, work buddies, employers, and even affects the community cost of caring for those with addiction from the local to state level. There are more than 2.1 million U.S. ER visits a year directly related to drug abuse. Addiction to prescribed medications is at 27.1% of the ER visits or well over 1/2 million people, and it actually has higher rates of occurrence than the 21.2% related to illicit drug use, which is still more than 425,000 people.
Long Term Addiction Relapse Data
Addiction and substance abuse is typically viewed as “addiction relapse prone.” While the rates of relapse may seem overwhelming, receiving vital mental health treatment from an experienced practitioner has significant impact on the rate of relapse, making recovery possible.
Long term study data has found that among drug abusers (prescribed and illicit) 27% died within a 20 year period, and only 27% still remained in recovery. Proper treatment is critical not only for recovery; continuing treatment is vital for long term health and to protect against the pull of addiction relapse.
Quality of Life Parameters versus Addiction Relapse
Achieving recovery and avoiding addiction relapse does reap the rewards of leading a functional life that can be measured in strength of relationships and friendships, mental health status, gainful employment and optimal physical health. Recovery with proper addiction relapse therapy can and does work to bring you into a fuller, positive life.
Atlanta Addiction Specialist
Dr. Hege has decades of experience working in Atlanta with addiction concerns. His successful treatment regime may include medication, detox, individual treatment, outpatient recovery, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or any number of adjunct therapies to meet your individual needs. Call the office and get back on the road to recovery and a functional satisfying life.