Adults with ADHD Out of Sync with Rest of World
For those adults with ADHD, a common reported problem centers around the struggle with time management. Many with adult ADHD find themselves running late, not getting work done on time, difficulty organizing their time effectively, or just finding themselves out of sync with the rest of the world when it comes to following a routine time table.
Effects of Being Out of Sync with ADHD
Adults with ADHD may find they complete things too fast, making mistakes or leaving the task incomplete in their haste; others lose track of time or mismanage their time and find they end up being late for appointments or task completion. No matter if someone is too fast or too slow they feel a struggle to be in sync with the world around them, often feeling frustrated, anxious, ill-prepared, lagging behind or restless in the process.
Being Out of Sync Part of ADHD Experience
In the paper on adult ADHD written by Mikka Nielsen and recently published in Medical Anthropology, it was concluded that those with ADHD experience a state of desynchronization and inner restlessness with their surroundings and social connections, feeling like they are out of rhythm, out of sync, with the rest of the world.
Examples of Being Out of Sync with ADHD
Some common experiences where time management and feeling out of sync come into play include:
- Difficulty with predicting or estimating how long a task will take to complete
- Thinking about the present and not being able to plan effectively for the future
- Typically running late for appointments or meetings
- Finding yourself impatient and wanting to move on to the next thing
- Looking for short-term rewards
- Difficulty dealing with delayed gratification
- Following an atypical sleep-wake schedule
Adult ADHD Help Available
If you find yourself constantly out of sync with the clock, schedules, and appointments, or feel scattered and unsure of how to manage and organize your time in a more functional and effective manner, it may be time to seek the help of an experienced specialist. If you are feel that you are letting yourself and others down by your poor time management, or that you do not feel a sense of accomplishment in life, it is time to seek help and treatment.
Local Adult ADHD Psychiatrist
It is time for a change. End the constant struggle. Call Dr. Hege for a confidential appointment today.